Seabreeze play park is located just off Safety Bay Road in Waikiki and for a local play area it has a lot to offer.
There are two main activity areas, one focuses on sand and has innovative sand play equipment whilst the other focuses on climbing, making it very family friendly catering for all ages.
Both play areas are set in sand and are nestled between two large open green public spaces, perfect for a pic-nic, morning tea, kids parties, cricket or just a good run about.
The sand play area has a ride on sand digger, great for digging holes and building mountains in the sand. In this space you can just about do anything with the sand, sift it, dig it, pour it, transport it or just play in it!

There are various bits of machinery and mechanisms here that can be used to transport the sand around. There is a large sand lift and loading rail, a sand sieve and pulley system so much to explore in terms of sensory and sand play.
If you are here on a play date and your child likes climbing they won't be disappointed. The climbing area has it all cubby house, a climbing wall, slides, a look out post and rope climber. The cubby houses are on different levels and have rope climbers and slides at different heights, making it accessible for children of different ages. All the sections of climbing equipment are joined which provides a great to get round it all!

There is a covered pic-nic area at the side of the park which is in full view of both the sand and climbing areas. There are no facilities or toilets here however, there are great cycle paths linking the play park to the surrounding area. There is also plenty of parking around the outside of the park. The park is easy to find and is only 1km from Waikiki beach google map reference:,115.7545864,17z
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